Module 7: MS YCA Policies
MS YCA Policies
- Module 7 -
Review the page below and complete the Mentor Training quiz for module 7
- Become familiar with MS YCA Policies
MS Youth ChalleNGe Academy Policies
- Hands-Off
- Confidentiality
- Reporting Suspected Abuse/Neglect
NO participating adult of the MSYCA including volunteers may
- Touch a cadet
- Use abusive language or verbal abuse (this includes cussing)
- Use physical force
Use of such tactics must be considered a leadership failure. The result of which will be termination of the mentoring relationship.
Protect all IDENTIFIABLE DATA or Information on or about a Cadet including:
- Name of Cadet, Parent, Mentor or Other Family Member
- Address information
- A Personal Identification Number (SSN)
- Indirect identifiers (date of birth, place of birth, mother’s maiden name).
- Any PHI information protected under HIPPA
- Shh!
- Do not share what is told in confidence
- When in doubt, don’t
Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect
The Law
Failure to report child abuse or false reporting, if done willfully, can result in up to a $5,000 fine and one year in jail.
Miss. Code Ann. 43-21-355 states that any person or institution reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.
What is Child Abuse?
Mississippi defines child abuse as causing or allowing a child to be sexually abused or exploited, emotionally abused, mentally injured, non-accidentally physically injured, or otherwise maltreated.
What is Child Neglect?
Child neglect is when a parent or other person responsible for a child’s care and support neglects or refuses to care for the child’s health, morals, or wellbeing, such as failing to provide food, proper education, and medical or surgical care (unless religious beliefs prevent certain forms of medical care).
May include financial, physical, sexual, or any other type of abuse or neglect.
When should a report be made?
A child abuse or neglect report is required if a person has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is neglected or abused.
Our duty is to report, not to investigate!
How to Report:
A report can be made in two ways:
- Phone: 1-800-222-8000
- Online:
Everyone in Mississippi is legally required to report child abuse or neglect.